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    All About Qi

     In many ways, a unified global wireless charging ecosystem makes it easier for emerging technologies to adhere to a specific set of functional parameters. 
    Seen as a fad at first, wireless charging has reached impressive standards in just a few years and it shows no signs of stopping any time soon.
    This isn’t to say that you could realistically expect such distances from every wireless charger, but a good number of them seem to do the job.
    If we are to infer a realistic expectation from the technology based on what we’ve seen so far, we can safely assume that both can be expected by the end of next decade at the latest.
    We know for a fact that a personalized work environment leads to a more productive workday and that personal satisfaction has a major effect on a person’s creativity and willingness to perform.
    Seeing how wireless chargers have been out for quite a few years now, certain questions are being asked more and more these days. For starters, people want to know exactly how safe it is to use a wireless charger on a daily basis and whether the wireless induction technology they employ has any negative effects.