If you’ve been paying attention to the wireless charging discourse that’s going on these days on the techie part of social media, you will undoubtedly know that Qi-charging technologies enjoy an overwhelming support by many tech-oriented individuals. You can also understand how this came to be given how insanely practical wireless chargers can be in the right environment.
Although not every device incorporates wireless charging capabilities, those that do have a clear advantage in that they use fewer wires, cables, and adapters, thus reducing the wear and tear that regular smart devices are subjected to. While this isn’t specific to smart devices in particular, it’s mostly smartphones and tablets that people are concerned with whenever the topic is brought up.
Before we delve into the many benefits of installing a wireless charging pad under the table and how it can make you more productive at work, we should first address the versatile nature of this particular technology.
As we are about to find out, wireless chargers have come a very long way to reach this point and they showcase all the signs that they will become a much-needed standard as new technologies emerge.
First of all, we must make a clear distinction between the original wireless chargers that were introduced more than a decade ago and the newer models that incorporate a variety of very interesting features. The main difference here, as you might have guessed, is the improved charge delivery and the increased versatility.
A clean desktop is a staple of a productive environment
They say cleanliness is next to godliness and nowhere does this ring truer than in the workplace. A well-organized working environment is key to making quick and efficient decisions during work hours and to quickly clean up when the job is done. You will notice this pattern in every productive workplace with no exceptions.
A good way to reduce clutter on your desk is to first remove unnecessary cables, wires, and adapters that may pile up over time for no particular reason. No, you can’t just keep an old adapter around on the off-chance that you might need it later on. Nor can you do the same with a charger that you don’t really use most of the time.
By having a wireless charging pad under the table or cleverly positioned just out of sight, you ensure that you are always within reach of a charger if you need one without having to deal with all the wires.You may not realize it sometimes but useless clutter slows you down quite a lot on a daily basis.
Now, it goes without saying that nobody wants a disorderly work environment, but some people do not really get a choice. Forced by circumstance, they have to make due with what’s available for them, including the outdated technologies they are accustomed to using. This is just as true for someone who works from home as it is for an office worker in a Fortune 500 company.
So when the choice presents itself to reorganize your workplace at minimum cost, you would do well to capitalize on it. You do that by employing new technologies and by investing in any functional implement or accessories that show potential. Wireless chargers are in that category and they are quickly becoming commonplace in many modern offices.
The future is now
It used to be that we would see remote and wireless technologies in fiction and dream about how these technologies would one day be part of our daily lives. This more or less already happened with smartphones first and nowadays with wireless charging technologies.
When you commit to installing a wireless charging pad under the table at work or at home, you are actively modernizing your workplace whether you realize it or not.
Bear in mind that even though a charger’s efficiency is influenced greatly by the material construction of the device being charged and by its overall design, the mere fact that a common wireless charger can accommodate a variety of Qi-ready devices is nothing short of amazing all things considered.
When they first introduced to the market, wireless chargers had naught but a fraction of their current speed and capabilities. Nowadays, however, a decent Qi charger that once could only reach speeds of 5-6 Wh and penetrate thin plastic casings, can nowadays deliver up to 20-30 Wh and penetrate even the thickest protective case.
It isn’t just the technology that’s quickly getting better but also the form. From an aesthetic point of view, you can see how much wireless chargers have come over the years, both in regards to size and shape. These chargers go through a constant miniaturization process with each iteration being smaller than the previous generation.
We could safely assume that by the end of the decade, powerful wireless chargers will be able to fit into someone’s pocket if constant trends are to continue. At the same time, we notice how increasingly accommodating these chargers are becoming with respect to their integration in furniture and everyday objects.
All things considered
Given how widespread wireless chargers are becoming, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to presume that most office workers will have a wireless charging pad under the table or under their desk at some point in the near future. The drawbacks are almost non-existent and the benefits are too many to count.
All that remains now is for smartphone manufacturers to continue their trend of building Qi-ready batteries into their devices and for the chargers to maintain their miniaturization course. Also, if you get the opportunity to acquire a wireless charger at some point, you should definitely consider it an investment into your own future.
This is because most modern devices are equipped with Qi-ready capabilities and you can expect future smartphones and tablets to follow suit.
In this regard, it makes perfect sense to not only get a wireless charger for personal use at home but to also perhaps get one for your workplace needs.