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    What Does the Future of Long-Range Qi Chargers Look Like?

    • 4 min read

    What Does the Future of  Long-Range Qi Chargers Look Like?



    You don’t have to be an astute observer of mobile trends to acknowledge the ongoing rise in popularity that wireless chargers enjoy in almost every market worldwide. Then again, smartphones went from being a novelty to almost indispensable for most people within the span of just a few decades.

    Given the widespread availability of wireless chargers, we cannot help but wonder what the future has in store for them and how they can be expected to evolve going forward. From a technological standpoint,a long-range Qi charger offers a more diverse set of specs paired with a much stronger charge delivery compared to early wireless chargers.

    Wireless chargers are evolving at a much faster pace than even the most optimistic predictions just a decade ago. This has been fueled by the fact that almost every newly released mobile device incorporates Qi charging capabilities, a trend we fully expect to continue for the foreseeable future.

    According to studies, the global wireless charging market will be worth more than $30 billion by the year 2030, and this is somewhat of a conservative prediction. Those of us who have had the pleasure of using a wireless charger should understand the tremendous potential this technology has in the long run.

    A galaxy of choices

    Even a short glance at various industries can confirm that wireless charging is here to stay. It isn’t just the mobile industry that incorporates wireless charging technologies, mind you, but the automotive, healthcare, and manufacturing industries. Each of these industries has some sort of relationship with wireless charging, be it as part of newly developed products or as long-term plans for the future.

    For starters, more and more vehicles incorporate wireless charging pads into the dashboard, sometimes as part of the default package, sometimes at a premium. This used to be specific to electric cars only just a couple of years ago, but we have seen these kinds of technologies in production vehicles everywhere lately.

    Given the nature of dashboard charging and how these sorts of chargers have to perform well without requiring any input from the user, most of them are required to have quite a bit of range. To put it bluntly,you want a dashboard long-range Qi charger to perform without having to fiddle with it every 5 minutes while you’re driving.

    You can also find wireless charging technologies in household appliances, each with its own particularities and unique specs. While originally the need for wireless charging was for phones and tablets only, the advent of new Qi-based batteries made it so that they can nowadays be built into all kinds of devices and appliances.

    It isn’t uncommon to find wireless charging electric razors or office appliances if you go looking, and the number of devices that use this kind of technology is growing fast. In a way, we can expect wireless charging to be an integral part of many household devices going forward, not just phones, tablets, or tablets.

    Types of wireless chargers

    Even though most wireless chargers are built for the same general purpose, their particularities set them apart from one another specs-wise. You have chargers that operate a Qi technology, which is pretty much the industry standard for tablets and smartphones, you have radio charging devices, and you have resonance chargers, each with their own specifications.

    •        Radio chargers –This type of charger is usually intended for small devices that operate at low voltage. Although not that uncommon for some smartphones to use radio charging, it is usually reserved for wireless mice, keyboards, medical devices, smartwatches, and music players. In other words, devices that require very little power to operate. As the name suggests, these types of chargers require that the devices they are charging be tuned into specific radio frequencies, thus allowing them to recharge via radio waves.
    •        Inductive chargers –This is by far the most popular type of wireless charger, which is the standard that most smartphones and tablets use. You will find thatmost long-range Qi chargers fall into this category because of how versatile and consistent they are. As you would imagine, inductive chargers have a much stronger charge delivery when compared to radio chargers, which is necessary given how big phone batteries have become.
    •        Resonance chargers –Although not as widespread as the other two, some devices do indeed employ resonance chargers, albeit for different reasons. You see, resonance chargers are reserved for power-hungry devices like computers, vacuum cleaners, robots, and even electric cars. With this type of charger, the copper coil in the device is tuned to the same electromagnetic frequency as the coil in the power source, which allows for a much stronger charge to be delivered.

    Although slightly different, the operating principle is pretty similar for all wireless chargers. Basically, energy gets transferred via electromagnetic induction to a receiver placed inside the device that’s being charged. To reach it, the charger generates an alternating electromagnetic field using an induction coil, which the receiver converts into electricity.

    The future is wireless

    You would do well to understand that although current wireless chargers boast the same general characteristics, this can all change going forward as new technological trends emerge. 

    For instance, people demand more mobility from wireless chargers and this is guaranteed to force manufacturers to consider new avenues in regard to portable wireless chargers, a trend that we can see moving onward to vehicles and mobile homes as well.

    At the same time, wireless charging shows great promise when it comes to increasing the mobility of IoT devices. While first-generation wireless chargers would only work well up to a couple of centimeters from the pad,your average long range Qi charger can reach as far as 10 centimetersor more.

    With new technologies being developed on a regular basis, we can safely assume that at some point in the near future, a standard wireless charger could very well reach devices a few meters away.

    That said, we probably shouldn’t get your hopes up too much considering how the technology is still in its infancy, but great strides are made on a monthly basis it seems.

    All things considered, both the business and commercial sector continues to incorporate wireless charging technologies for both innovative and common devices. Going forward, we can expect our cars, furniture, and personal computers to feature built-in implements for all our wireless charging needs.