Those of you who remember the early days of wireless charging will know that some of those early chargers were ‘wireless’ in name alone. If anything, the actual charge they delivered was so underwhelming that it could hardly charge up the handful of smartphones that actually had Qi capabilities.
Technology has come a very long way since and modern Qi-operating wireless chargers like the invisible wireless charger are miles ahead in every meaningful way. For starters, the 10W charge it delivers at distances of up to 20cm or more should speak volumes about the standards these chargers have come to reach.
With a state-of-the-artwireless charger like the InvisQi, you get both range and consistency to a standard that earlier models simply couldn’t reach.
More so, this is as close as you can get to an ‘invisible wireless charger’ without having to undergo any major transformations to your workspace and/or desktop.
Compatibility is Key
Many would rush to call modern wireless chargers a passing fad or overly complicated contraptions, but considering how accommodating they are to all Qi-compatible devices, we should look at it more as a long-term investment. Think about it, almost all Samsung, Apple, Sony, Huawei, and Nokia smartphones and even headphones have Qi-charging capabilities nowadays.
It goes without saying that for a wireless charger to be considered a prudent investment, it needs to not only blend into the environment but also to deliver a substantial charge at all times.
In this respect, the invisible wireless charger can be concealed underneath the table and deliver up to 10W through almost any surface as long as it’s not made of metal.
While it isn’t too unusual for big tech companies to have their own proprietary wireless technologies, a versatile wireless charger should be more than capable of charging a wide range of devices. This is precisely the case with the InvisQi,a charger that can handle virtually any Qi-ready device on the market.
The balance between form and function
Although the key reason for investing in a concealed wireless charger is to charge your devices in a subtle and convenient fashion, there are other aspects that need to be considered. For instance, we all know that traditional chargers tend to heat up over time, which is also something that wireless chargers suffer from.
That said, you will notice that the invisible wireless charger heats up slower than your average charger,in part because of the specially crafted pad it employs.
This is a common feature with high-end wireless chargers as they all equip circular pads made from a variety of materials ranging from plastic to leather or even fabric.
All in all, if you’re in the market for one, you want a charger that not only charges virtually any device through almost any surface but one that will perform well regardless of the casing.