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    82% of Customers Expect Contactless Experiences in 2021 and Beyond

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    82% of Customers Expect Contactless Experiences in 2021 and Beyond

    Contactless Experiences Article

    Previously considered a niche or a nice-to-have option at best by U.S. consumers, contactless experiences have become absolutely essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything from virtual telemedicine appointments to contactless delivery and payment systems have seen usage skyrocket in 2020.

    Given that businesses and customers alike are taking advantage of contactless experiences for their own safety right now, this isn't exactly surprising.

    A GetApp survey of nearly 1,000 consumers indicates that contactless experiences will remain important long after the pandemic is over—becoming a deciding factor in who customers choose to do business with.

    Contactless experiences are here to stay

    Key finding: While less than half of consumers (45%) considered contactless experiences important before the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly double that number (82%) say those experiences will be important when the pandemic is over.

    Nearly all small businesses (92%) have had to reinvent themselves to stay open during this pandemic. Our data shows we'll enter a new normal, as 82% of customers say the availability of contactless experiences will remain important post-pandemic, up from 45% pre-pandemic.

    Consumers highlight two main benefits:

    • 59% say contactless experiences are quick (35% faster than in-store shopping)
    • 67% say they're easy to use

    Gen Z is the contactless generation

    Key finding: Gen Z consumers are more likely than any other generation to consider contactless experiences important and to switch businesses for better contactless experiences.

    9 in 10 Gen Z consumers consider contactless experiences important and are willing to switch providers for better experiences.

    Inconsistent experiences drive customers to big businesses

    Key finding: Most industries struggle to deliver consistently positive contactless experiences, with larger chains outperforming small businesses.

    Only retail (54%) and restaurants (52%) deliver consistently positive experiences. Main challenges include:

    • Transaction consistency: Across devices, access points, and channels
    • Payment consistency: Multiple options from contactless cards to digital currencies
    • Delivery/pickup consistency: Meeting delivery dates and standardizing pickup processes

    Three in four consumers (75%) would switch providers for better contactless services, favoring large retailers like Walmart (32%) and Amazon (24%) over small businesses (19-20%).